Mir A. Imran
Inventor, Entrepreneur

Inventor and entrepreneur, Imran revolutionized medicine and technology, saving millions of lives with his groundbreaking innovation
Mir Imran is a renowned scientist and prolific inventor who has achieved great success through his venture roles in various high-tech and biomedical companies. Among his most notable accomplishments is the development of the world’s first automatic implantable defibrillator, a device that has saved more than 2 million lives since 1981 and is a standard of care in cardiology. Imran is also the founder and CEO of InCube Laboratories, Inc., one of North America’s oldest and most successful medical device incubators that works to develop high-growth companies that solve major clinical problems through technological innovation. Through InCube and other ventures, Imran has founded more than 25 companies. He has also developed technologies in a host of other areas; the depth and variety of his innovations is remarkable. For example, he developed the EEG monitoring sensor array that astronaut John Glenn used on a space mission, catheters for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, as well as technology for electronic real-estate lockbox systems and full-body scanning devices used in airport security checkpoints. As a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, or investor, Imran has been named in nearly 350 patents.