Clubs and Groups
When Rutgers alumni come together with creativity and a common purpose, the possibilities are endless. If you’ve been wanting to connect with Rutgers graduates who share your interests or live nearby, joining an alumni group is a great way to get involved. These groups are chartered organizations run by dedicated alumni volunteers in affiliation with the Rutgers University Alumni Association.
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Honors College Alumni Association at Camden provides mentoring opportunities and fund-raising efforts for the Honors College Alumni at Camden.
President: Joshua Hanson CCAS’08
Email: jth80@rutgers.eduClub Sites
The mission of the Rutgers–Camden Educational Opportunity Fund Alumni Organization is to provide outreach, access, academic support, and financial assistance to New Jersey residents who have traditionally been excluded from higher education. Through these services, the Rutgers–Camden EOF Program contributes to the academic success of Rutgers students. Our alumni repay our investment in them through their contributions to the economic growth and civic vitality of communities throughout New Jersey.
President: Caroline Waters CCAS’90, GSC’05
Email: cfeliz@camden.rutgers.eduClub Sites
Rutgers School of Business – Camden Alumni Association’s mission is to provide a venue for Rutgers School of Business-Camden (RSBC) alumni to nurture engagement, encouragement, interest and involvement in RSBC activities, networks and programs.
President: H. Qawi Austin
Email: hqa1@ruf.rutgers.eduClub Sites
Rutgers School of Law–Camden Alumni Association advances legal education through the promotion of alumni and undergraduate interests.
Chancellor: Brittney Cafero RLAW ’15
Email: BCafero@reedsmith.comClub Sites
Rutgers School of Nursing – Camden Alumni Association fosters the social, educational, and professional interest of alumni members; fosters communication among alumni, students, faculty, Rutgers–Camden Alumni Association, and Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden (SNC); maintains alumni interest in the current program of the SNC and promotes the loyalty of its alumni to the School; fosters a continued interest in recruitment for the current program of the School of Nursing–Camden and its activities; promotes and encourages baccalaureate and advanced degrees in Nursing education and practice; and encourages involvement in professional nursing organizations.
Co-President: Cecelia Kane GSN’02, SNC’21
Co-President: Tracey Nagle SNC’21
Email: rusnc.alum@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers University-Camden Alumni Association engages all Rutgers alumni from Rutgers-Camden, and Rutgers alumni in the Camden area for service to the University.
President: Ken Fowlkes CCAS’79,
Email: kfowlkessr@gmail.comClub Sites
New Brunswick
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Alumni and Friends of Rutgers Applied Statistics provide networking, knowledge sharing and training alignment between teaching and research into statistical applications at Rutgers, including biometrics, data mining, Big Data, Finance and Risk Management and industry practitioners in this fields.
President: Joseph Libretti
Phone: 848-445-7671
Email: -
Alumni and Friends of School of Management & Labor Relations provide opportunities for networking, socializing, and providing information/education in the School of Management and Labor Relations areas of study.
President: Tracy Ng SMLR’15 -
Bloustein School Alumni Association supports the alumni of the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and increases the reputation and profile of the school.
Cook Community Alumni Association promotes and perpetuates amity among its members, graduates, students, faculty and staff while engaging in, promoting and sponsoring activities in support of the educational and social goals of Cook College.
President: Amanda Dougherty CC’08
Email: cookalumni@gmail.comClub Sites
Eagleton Institute of Politics Alumni Organization encourages pride, unity and a sense of belonging among Eagleton alumni through networking in order to meet personal and professional interests and needs while supporting the efforts of the Eagleton Institute of Politics.
Co-Presidents: Anish Patel SAS’17, EJB’18 | Kyle B. Holder EJB’16, 17
Email: | kylebholder@yahoo.comClub Sites
Graduate School of Education Alumni Association promotes education, teaching as a profession, and the welfare of its alumni.
President: Barbara Trueger GSE’08
Email: btrueger@yahoo.comClub Sites
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Alumni Organization keeps alumni interested and involved by strengthening the connection to GSAPP and providing opportunities for social and professional networking for alumni and students.
President: Joseph Conerty GSAPP’11, ’13
Email: jconerty@somersetpsych.comClub Sites
Graduate School of New Brunswick Alumni Association unites alumni, friends, and the GSNB to foster lifelong camaraderie in a collegial nurturing environment and to support efforts to achieve excellence in graduate education and research.
President: Stanley Makadok GSNB’64
Email: -
The goal of the Livingston Alumni Association is to connect students, faculty and alumni in a diverse learning community, as well as provide stimulating programs and outreach opportunities that strengthen and enhance connections between Livingston alumni, friends, faculty, administrators, staff, and students.
President: Jeffrey Armus LC’77, RBS’82
Email: laaemail@gmail.comClub Sites
The purpose of the Rutgers Alumni Association is to form a lifelong bond to Rutgers University and its alumni around the world in order to provide a resource for their further intellectual, personal and social development and advance the reputation, educational goals, programs and influence of Rutgers University.
President: Nicole Setzer ENG ’08
Email: info@rutgersalumni.orgClub Sites
X (formerly Twitter)
YouTube -
The mission of the Rutgers Business School Management Science and Information Systems Graduate Alumni Network is to promote the interests of Rutgers Business School Management Science and Information Systems Graduate programs as a world standard of academic excellence by strengthening the ties of goodwill and communication between the department, its affiliated research centers, its alumni and current graduate students, and by maintaining programs to serve their needs. We strive to meet this mission through goals that will be set by the Executive Board, yet they will use all of the resources they have at their disposal to advance the mission of this network while remaining within the guidelines of the bylaws.
President: Ahmed Gomaa RBS’06, GSN’06
Email: ahmed.gomaa@scranton.eduVice President: Aabhas V. Paliwal GSNB’02, GSN’07, RBS’07
Email: aabhasvp@yahoo.comSecretary: Mahmoud Youssef
Email: youssefm13@gmail.comTreasurer: Dihua Guo GSN’02, RBS’06
Email: -
Rutgers Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Friends & Alumni promote communication among alumni and friends of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
President: Yee Chiew
Email: -
Rutgers Engineering Alumni supports the school, its programs, faculty, and students through a year-round schedule of activities.
President: Parth Oza ENG’12 GSNB’21
Email: parthoza3@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Honors Alumni Society (RHAS) is dedicated to promoting professional development and to building a strong network of alumni, students, faculty, and friends. We coordinate events that cultivate scholarship, leadership, and fellowship by providing various forums for interaction among our members as well as members of the global community.
President: Alan Wright, RC ’03 NLAW ’10
Email: alan.wright@gmail.comVice President: Elisabeth Spector, RC ’87
Email: elspecto@gmail.comSecretary: Joyce Kohler, UC ’88
Email: jerseyjoyce36@gmail.comClub Sites
Our mission is to engage the group’s constituency in support of the department, and to provide its constituency with networking opportunities.
President: Ken Johnson ENG’66
Email: ken.johnson@rutgersalumni.orgClub Sites
Rutgers School of Social Work Alumni Council promotes the lifelong engagement of alumni as members of the Rutgers School of Social Work community to advance the school’s mission.
Contact: Frank Greenagel RC’01 SSW’06 EJBG’15
Email: greenage@ssw.rutgers.eduClub Sites
Mission: To promote the continued engagement and interests of alumni with the Honors College of Rutgers University, New Brunswick and build a strong network of engaged alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends that support the school through various means including event participation, volunteerism, philanthropy and policy engagement.
Contact: Krishna Varre SAS’19
Email: honorscollege@rutgers.eduClub Sites
School of Communication and Information Alumni Association enhances and enriches the experiences of SC&I students, faculty, staff, and alumni by providing program support and opportunities for networking and social interaction.
President: Ronald Jantz SCILS’97, GSNB’13
Email: rusciaa@gmail.comClub Sites
The (New Brunswick) School of Arts and Sciences EOF Alumni Association encourages and promotes EOF alumni participation and support in activities, events, forums, and programs; fosters and promotes networking and engagement opportunities; and supports the SAS EOF Program in its endeavors to serve SAS EOF students.
President: Ida V. Davis Tyson RC’84
Email: -
The purpose of the University College Rutgers–New Brunswick Alumni Association is to develop and foster close relationships between fellowship RU Alumni, Rutgers University and the University College Rutgers-New Brunswick through social events, social programs and philanthropy.
President: Helen F. Smith Pirrello UCNB’00, SSW’05
Email: UCRNBAA@gmail.comClub Sites
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Rutgers Business School Alumni Association connects alumni and extends the value of our Rutgers business education.
President: Mr. Adam Perlow, RBSG ‘21
Email: president@rbsaa.orgVice President: Walter Okoroanyanwu, M.D., MPH, MBA, RBSG ‘20
Email: vicepresident@rbsaa.orgSecretary: Mr. Mark C. Reichman, RC ’87, RBSG ‘92
Email: secretary@rbsaa.orgTreasurer: Ms. Siva Kasi, RBSG ‘17
Email: treasurer@rbsaa.orgClub Sites
Rutgers Executive MBA Alumni (REMBA) serves the needs of the program and fosters the development of strong, ongoing relationships between REMBA; current students, future students, program director, staff, administration and the businesses and communities that the REMBA alumni serve.
President: Joe Vocaturo RBS’04, ’14
Email: joevoc@rutgers.eduVice President: Neal Shah RBS’13
Secretary: Dwayne Patterson, RBS’92
Treasurer: Folarin Ojo RBS’13
Club Sites
Rutgers–Newark Alumni Association serves as a clearinghouse for information by and about the alumni association, to inform alumni of events and policies and to assist and promote the interest of the school and advance the interest of Rutgers University.
President: Rafeeza Shahabudeen NCAS’03
Email: rutgersnewarkalumni@gmail.comTreasurer: Francesca McClain NCAS’76
Club Sites
Rutgers School of Law–Newark Alumni Association strengthens relationships among alumni and the law school community and to advance the ideals, reputation and educational goals of the Rutgers School of Law-Newark.
President: Melissa Reilly, NLAW ‘18
Email: melissajeanreilly@gmail.comVice President: Usma Ashraf-Khan, ’19 NLAW ‘19
Treasurer: Madeline Gayle, NLAW ‘21
Email: madelinegayle@gmail.comSecretary: Soundous Bouchouar, NLAW ‘20
Email: Sbouchouar@gmail.comClub Sites
The vision of Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration Alumni Network is to foster a community where faculty, alumni and students congregate to harness and enhance their knowledge, expertise, leadership and social experiences through engaging networking opportunities, career/professional development and outreach.
President: Stephen Lyman SPAA’17
Email: SPAAAlumniNetwork@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers School of Criminal Justice Alumni Association advises the school on behalf of all alumni of the school, to serve the current student population in cooperation with the faculty and staff, and represents alumni of Rutgers School of Criminal Justice at events and conferences worldwide.
President: Joselina Castillo, CRIU ’15
Club Sites
The purpose of Rutgers University College Newark Alumni Association is to foster a close relationship between our alumni association and the community by being an active member in various functions that bring recognition to the University as a whole and our commitment to the ever-increasing role Rutgers plays in our urban environment.
President: Christina Baez UCN’97
Rutgers Health
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Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Alumni Association supports the Rutgers Pharmacy Alumni Community and works with the School of Pharmacy to support the student community.
President: Tyler Redelico PHARM’15
Email: emsopalumniassociation@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association, serves and supports its members in the advancement of relationships between the association, the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Rutgers University Alumni Association, Rutgers University and the professional community at large. The organization also fosters, enhances, and maintains the reputation of the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, its graduates, and the profession of dentistry.
President: Donald Lapine, DMD – RSDM ’97
Email: -
To coordinate the connection, celebration and engagement of our alumni and friends of the University; to build lifelong relationships that support the future of our School and University; to focus on developing mentor relationships, building alumni networks and planning and executing fundraising efforts of the school and the university; to work with the Rutgers University Alumni Association to best serve the SHP alumni, friends and students.
President: Shane Mata SHRP’16
Email: shpalum@shp.rutgers.eduClub Sites
President: Shanda Johnson, Ph.D., CNUR'97, GSN'01, GSN'14
The School of Public Health Alumni Association (SPHAA) assists in meeting the professional needs of alumni and supports the mission of the Rutgers School of Public Health (SPH). It encourages partnership, stimulates interest, and promotes communication among and between alumni, the SPH, and local, state, and global public health communities.
Co-President: Caroline Harris SPH’14
Email: sphalumni@sph.rutgers.eduCo-President: Mary Kate Marasco SPH’16
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Alumni Brotherhood of Kappa Sigma Upsilon utilizes the relationships between brothers of the fraternity by maintaining communication and keeping them aware of current activities and needs and to encourage active participation in Rutgers events, Rutgers alumni activities, and fundraisers.
President: Robert E. Braunwarth CCAS’71 / Robert H. Gross CCAS’70
Email: | -
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority Phi Tau Chapter develops a lifetime of sorority sisterhood focusing on creating a social consciousness and a commitment to think and act for the greater good.
President: Nancy Hart-Esposito CCAS’85, GSC’87, CLAW’92
Email: -
The goal of the Rutgers Alumni Rowing Team at Camden is to engage and encourage alumni through activities that are mutually beneficial between the University, the athletic department, and alumni.
Co-Presidents: Dina DiRenzo, SSW’03 | Jane Evans, UCC’03
Email: rutgersalumnirowing@gmail.comClub Sites
Sigma Epsilon Alumni Association nurtures the educational and personal advancement of the undergraduate members of the Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity at Rutgers, Camden.
Co-President: Robert Spiegel CCAS’11
Co-President: William McGrath CCAS’15Email:
Club Sites
New Brunswick
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Alpha Kappa Lambda Rutgers Alumni Chapter represents and connects members of The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda Rutgers Alumni Chapter with a degree from Rutgers University.
President: John Morytko LC’98
Home Phone: 973-980-6117
Email: -
The purpose of the Cap & Skull Society Alumni is to create a community for members through programming that embodies Rutgers history, spirit and tradition and strengthens alumni as a constituency and as individuals, better prepared to support their alma mater.
President: Gabrielle Rossi SAS’14
Email: info@capandskull.orgClub Sites
The goal of the Livingston Theatre Company Alumni Association is to enhance and strengthen awareness through fundraising and advising support while building and maintaining a social network to help promote community responsibility, progressive social change and academic and artistic excellence.
President: Adam Tucker RC’02, RBS’02
Email: rultcalumni@gmail.comClub Sites
To encourage attendance at annual Homecoming and Reunion weekend social events in New Brunswick for Rutgers alumni living throughout the United States, encourage networking and relationship building between alumni and undergraduates to promote career advice and employment opportunities, and promote dinners and other events whose profits can increase fundraising to support current Rho Upsilon students. This organization represents the Rutgers Alpha Epsilon Pi Chapter.
Club Leader: Seth Jonas, RC’91
Email: seth.jonas@verizon.netClub Sites
Rutgers Gamma-Eta Chapter of Sigma Pi Alumni Association promotes ongoing brotherhood and service to Sigma Pi Fraternity and Rutgers University.
President: Christopher R. Brown RC’81
Email: -
The Rutgers Hillel Alumni Association connects Jewish Alumni through networking, social and philanthropic opportunities.
Founded by Rabbi Julius and Pearl Funk, the Rutgers Hillel Alumni Association has been going strong for over 25 years. Through your participation in the Hillel Alumni Association, you can help ensure that the Jewish community at Rutgers remains vibrant and strong. At the same time, you can share news with fellow alums and learn what’s happening with your old friends.
For more information and to get connected, contact us at or
Club Sites
The Mission of the Rutgers Navy/Marine Corps Alumnae/i Group is to support and assist the Rutgers University Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, when requested and deemed helpful, in the Education, Training, Historic and Operational context of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and to provide a communications forum for all Rutgers University graduates who have served in the United States Navy & Marine Corps with the two common life experiences in education and military service.
President: Adrian H. Schreiber RC’65, SCILS’78
Email: -
The mission of the Rutgers Spirit Program Letter Winners is to encourage networking between alumni cheer/dance letter winners and to promote mentoring relationships between former and current cheer/dance team participants.
President: Kelly Stensland Cirone LC’01
Email: -
The Rutgers University Glee Club Alumni Association’s goals and mission are to be an artistic and social experience that provides camaraderie, education, and student development through the preparation and quality performances of great choral music; and that engages its audience through its promotion of the traditions and spirit of Rutgers University.
President: Mr. Matthew P. Cirri RBSNB’01, RC’01
Email: mattcirri@hotmail.comClub Sites
Since chartering in 2012, our mission has been to secure financial resources and provide faithful stewardship in support of families whose children are facing cancer, sickle cell disease, and other serious health challenges. In addition, members can continue to participate in Rutgers University Dance Marathon (RUDM) as alumni.
President: Mr. Keith S. Gorda
Email: rudmalum@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers University Programming Alumni Association provides alumni of the “Rutgers University Programming Association” the opportunity to retain connectivity of the organization’s graduates, as well as to afford its members the opportunity to participate in social and volunteer events, as well as reunions. It is also a venue for alumni to network and mentor current members for professional and career development.
President: Gregory Kassee LC’11
Email: gkassee@gmail.comClub Sites
The mission of the Rutgers University Voorhees Choir Alumnae Association is to provide alumnae of the choir the opportunity to reconnect and network with past fellow choir members through hosted events, programs and activities. Additionally, this group aims to further bridge the gap between present and past members and work to aid the goals of the current members of the Voorhees Choir.
Club Sites
The Queens Guard Alumni Association (QGAA) of Rutgers University represents alumni of The Queens Guard and Scarlet Rifles, and was formed to foster good relations, as well as to enhance an appreciation of our uniquely distinguished tradition, among our membership and the University community; to preserve and protect our collection of tangible and digital memorabilia at the University, as well as to secure the intellectual property rights of our precision rifle drill routine choreography; to ensure the continuation of The Queens Guard, as an active, competitive, intercollegiate team, consisting of eligible undergraduate students of the University; and to encourage our membership to participate in the broader volunteer efforts of the Rutgers University Alumni Association (RUAA) and the University community.
You may now view on YouTube spectacular performances of The Queens Guard Precision Rifle Drill Team of Rutgers University at The Edinburgh Military Tattoo (1968, 1973, 1980, 1985) and The Royal Tournament – London (1982) as filmed and narrated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (“BBC”).
President: Joseph A. Carlani, III, RC ‘84
Club Sites
- QGAA Heritage:
- QGAA Exhibitions:
- QGAA Reunions:
- QGAA Philanthropy: 2016 RUAA REAL Award
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The mission of the Black Organization of Students Alumni Association (BOSAA) is to build, maintain and enhance the relationship between the University and its alumni of the African Diaspora, as well as to promote fellowship among its members and the Black Organization of Students (BOS), the Rutgers African American Alumni Alliance, Inc. (RAAA), Rutgers University Newark (RU-N), and the greater Newark Community.
President: Edward Nkosi, NCAS ’93
Email: e_nkosi@yahoo.comVice President: Kareem Willis, SPAU ’16
Email: -
The mission of the Rutgers–Newark Chorus Alumni Organization is to promote participation in the Chorus, as a singer and/or as an active member of the group. The Organization provides various opportunities for networking and socializing with fellow singers. Other activities involve promoting and attending concerts, along with involvement in concert tours abroad.
President: Marcel Vaughn-Handy NCAS’91,’92
Email: mv89@nyu.eduVice President: Caroline DeFreitas NCAS’02
Correspondence Secretary: Florianna Heun RBS’13
Treasurer: Emanuel Vizzotti
Club Sites
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The mission of the Latino Alumni Association of Rutgers University is to serve as a voice for the Latino community, provide educational, vocational, and mentoring partnerships. We will foster cultural awareness and networking opportunities to undergraduate, graduate and alumni of Rutgers University.
Our vision is to serve as a resource for Latino community at Rutgers and beyond.
President: Brandon M. Quiles, SBC ’14
Co-Leaders: Patricia I. Cardenas SAS’11 and Liandy Gonzalez SAS’19
Email: Rulatinoalumni@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers Alumnae Women’s Professional Network sponsors and supports programs and events that are designed to connect Rutgers alumnae women and encourage their professional growth and development while creating a stronger bond with Rutgers University.
President: Osato Chitou NLAW’10
Email: rawpn.nnj@gmail.comClub Sites
The purpose and mission of the Rutgers United Nations Alumni Interest Group (RUNAIG) is to provide educational and networking opportunities for Rutgers alumni and friends on wide-ranging global issues; to connect and network with Rutgers alums engaged in current world issues; to encourage participants to think about their role in an interdependent world; to disseminate information about the activities of the United Nations and other distinctive international organizations; to advance the missions of international organizations through involvement and local activism; and to develop strong ties between Rutgers University, the United Nations, and other international organizations.
President: Maryella Hannum, DC'02, GSN'17
Vice President: Ann Ferrero, DC'84
Secretary: Lenore Beckley, GSE'75
Treasurer: Chika Okoye, GSN'20Club Sites
The mission of the Rutgers University Muslim Alumni Association is to develop and maintain a network of professional and social ties between Muslim alumni of Rutgers University, and to contribute to Muslim life on campus and to the Rutgers University community at large.
Co-presidents: Sofia A. Iqbal PHARM’95 | Yasmin H. Ramadan SAS’16
Email: rumaa.board@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers University Rainbow Alumni League represents and promotes the interests and liberation of the LGBTQIA+ alumni of the university, and all alumni within the diverse spectrum of gender and sexuality.
Chair: Kyle Hartmann SAS’13
Email: rurainbowalumnileague@gmail.comNewark Co-Chair: Andrew Moreira RBS’18
New Brunswick Co-Chair: Rowen Kanj SAS’18, GSE’19
Recorder: Zaneta Rago-Craft GSE’19
Treasurer: Frankie Lewis RC’09, GSE’10,’18
Club Sites
The Veteran Alumni of Rutgers University (VARU) maintains a robust network of Veteran Alumni to foster esprit de corps, provide mentoring and peer support for Rutgers veterans, and leverage the resources of the Rutgers community in order to promote and expand the VARU reach and impact.
The leadership of the Veteran Alumni of Rutgers University consists of a President and three Campus Vice Presidents representing New Brunswick, Camden, and Newark Campuses. The officers can be appointed by the president until an election is held for a period of not less than a year.
President: Steven Flett RC’90
VARUPresident@gmail.comVice President (Camden Chapter): Agustin Bruno UCC'12
Vice President (Newark Chapter): Jeremy Guenter NCAS 2002; GSN 2005
Vice President (New Brunswick Chapter): Gary Lichtensteiger RC'91
Secretary: Patricia Collins LC'91
Treasurer: Daylen Osmer GSBC'23
Update Your Veteran Status at Rutgers
The Rutgers University Alumni Association began recording alumni veteran status in 2009. To make sure your veteran status is recorded with the RUAA update your veteran status online.
Club Sites
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The Rutgers Club of Greater Kansas City brings Rutgers University alumni, friends and family together to celebrate our involvement in the many Rutgers memories and traditions we have created over the years as students and fellows of Rutgers.
Contact: Sujah Shah LC’97
Cell: 913-302-7247
Email: sujalshah.ru97@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of Indiana provides alumni and friends of Rutgers University in and around Indiana the opportunity to connect and interact with each other, and to promote Rutgers University through outreach to alumni and friends by hosting events, programs, and activities in the region.
Group Leader: Charles Little RC’67
Email: -
Rutgers Club of Las Vegas assists the admissions department in promoting applications from high school scholars, to provide social functions for alumni and to welcome visiting alumni and new residents to Nevada.
President: Ramon Galvez CNUR’89
Email: r89007g@gmail.comClub Sites
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The Rutgers Club of Connecticut provides alumni and friends of Rutgers University interested in/within Connecticut the opportunity to connect and interact with each other, and to promote Rutgers University through outreach to alumni and friends of Rutgers University by hosting events, programs, and activities.
Michael R. Duncan, President
Mark E. Reeves, Esq., Vice President
Tracey L. Dressel, Secretary
Robert J. Van Egghen, Treasurer
President: Sheila Noonan, DC '84
Vice President: Christian Noel, SMLR '15
Treasurer: Samantha Hellwege Ulrich, DC '09
Secretary: Loria Teel, LC '97
The Rutgers Club of Greater Philadelphia’s purpose is to provide a means for alumni and friends in the area to continue to support Rutgers University through various university- and club-sponsored activities.
Club Sites
The Rutgers Club of Lehigh Valley conducts volunteer and social events for Rutgers alumni and the community while encouraging networking and relationship building for all club members.
President: Karen Cribbin Fitzpatrick RC’83
Email: kmcfitzp@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of New England provides social and educational events for alumni, sets up volunteer opportunities, performs fundraising and administers a scholarship fund to benefit students from the New England area who will be attending Rutgers.
President: Vincent James RBS’90
Vice President: Susan Ann Doherty, DC ’90, susandschool@gmail.comEmail:
Club Sites
The Rutgers Club of New York City holds social, education and charitable events for the Rutgers alumni living and working in the NYC area.
President: Jamie O’Regan CC’05
Email: president@rutgersclubnyc.orgTreasurer: Eric Seidman RC’07
Email: treasurer@rutgersclubnyc.orgEvents Director: Shanice Branch RBS’14
Email: events@rutgersclubnyc.orgCommunications Director: Nasreen Hussain RC’09, SC&I’12
Email: communications@rutgersclubnyc.orgBig Apple Big Ten Liaison: Kevin Oakes SAS’14
Email: babt@rutgersclubnyc.orgClub Sites
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President: Steve Lichtenstadter, RC ‘80
Vice President: Matthew Simpson, NCAS ‘90
Treasurer: Harlequin Murray, RC ‘84
Secretary: MaryJayne Carter, DC ‘85
The Rutgers Club of Arizona–Maricopa County is a community-oriented alumni club located in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The club’s mission is to provide the alumni and friends of Rutgers University within Maricopa County the opportunity to connect and interact socially and professionally and to promote the interests of Rutgers University and its alumni through outreach by hosting events, programs and activities.
Club Leader: Kelly G. Borseth LC’89
Email: kellyborseth210@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers Club of Central Florida assists the university in awareness and recruiting of prospective students from the Central Florida area as well as acts as a host for university events or other needs.
Club Sites
Rutgers Club of Charlotte provides inclusive avenues for Rutgers University Alumni in the Charlotte, North Carolina region to gather together for networking, socialization, volunteering, and sports-oriented activities.
President: Dominic Pickett LC’10
Email: dompickett@gmail.comClub Sites
Rutgers Club of the Greater Palm Beaches provides alumni in the area the opportunity to connect and interact with each other in various ways including but not limited to gathering in support of Rutgers University by fostering alumni communications and networking, and planning and organizing events and activities.
President: Charles M. Gaspari RC’84
Email: -
Rutgers Club of Houston and Southeast Texas conducts social, educational, and charitable events for Rutgers alumni living in the Houston area, and encourages networking and relationship building among club members.
President: Matthew Lanza CC’04
Email: rutgershouston@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of Raleigh-Durham’s vision is to provide socializing, professional networking, and community service opportunities to Rutgers alumni with the purpose of staying connected in Raleigh-Durham.
President: Steven Chagachbanian LC’90
Email: stevechags@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of Sarasota/Manatee promotes and encourages alumni relations by participating in events, activities, and community service opportunities for Rutgers alumni, friends and family that help foster school spirit and create new friendships.
To obtain more information about the Rutgers Club of Sarasota/Manatee and upcoming activities, please email
President: Debra Williams RC’84
Vice President: Charlene Griffin-Jordan GSE’79
Treasurer/Interim Secretary: Douglas Dolan RC’78, RBS’90
Members-at-Large: Joe Carfora ENG’66, Mike Fisher, Fred Teeter ENG’67Club Sites
The Rutgers Club of South Carolina promotes and encourages alumni relations by participating in events, college fairs, scholarships and hospitality to Rutgers faculty, staff, students, groups, and athletic teams.
To learn more information about the Rutgers Club of South Carolina, please email
Social Media Coordinator: Dee Dee Hodge CCAS ‘96
Club Sites
Rutgers Club of Southwest Florida provides alumni, friends, family, retired Rutgers staff and faculty an opportunity to connect with each other through social interactions.
President: Ronald Wilson RC’71
Email: -
Rutgers Club of Tampa Bay conducts volunteer and social events for Rutgers alumni living in the Tampa Bay area; encourages networking and relationship building among club members; and promotes the interest of Rutgers University by becoming involved in our local communities.
President: John Rosse
Email: rutgerscluboftampa.jr@gmail.comVice President: Open
Secretary: Claudia O’Neill, DC ‘8
Treasurer: Anthony Esposito, RC ‘7
Club Sites
Rutgers Club of Washington, D.C. provides social and professional networking for graduates while representing our alma mater in the nation’s capital.
President: Jessica Lukacs, SAS ‘13
Vice President: Tyrus Jackson, EBJ ‘17
Treasurer: Salah Shaikh, SAS/EJB ‘18
Secretary: Jack Scheader, SAS ‘13
Social Media: Sarah Heiskel, Cook ‘07
Communications: Ryan McDevitt, Camden ‘20
Community Service: Nancy Laverda, RC ‘80
Club contact:
Club Sites
Our mission is to create an environment to encourage and facilitate camaraderie among Rutgers alumni and friends of Rutgers in The Villages, Florida; to provide updates on the University; conduct social events and foster and promote the interest of Rutgers University by becoming involved in our local communities.
William H. Cummings, RC ’75
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The Rutgers Club of San Diego is an event orientated alumni club located in San Diego, California. The club’s mission is to provide the 1,400 alumni and friends of Rutgers University within San Diego County the opportunity to connect and interact with each other, and to promote the interests of Rutgers University and its alumni through outreach by hosting events, programs and activities.
Our goals are to:
- provide a forum for alumni and friends of Rutgers University to connect and interact with each other
- encourage professional development among its alumni, promote the interests of Rutgers University within the San Diego area
- encourage awareness of Rutgers University within the local community, and otherwise support the interests of its members
Calendar of Events
Because the Rutgers Club of San Diego is located in one of the best locations for outdoor activities all year long, the club hosts events almost every month including golf outings, Temecula wine tasting tours, Steven Birch aquarium tours, picnics, dinners, Padres v. Mets baseball games, theatre shows, and football watching parties.
President: Margaret Reish Downing DC’70
Email: rutgersclubsd@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of the San Francisco Bay Area enables the sharing of common university experiences, to facilitate the personal and professional growth of alumni.
Contact: Prasun Mishra GSBS’08
Email: rutgersclubsfba@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of Seattle’s purpose is to extend the Rutgers community beyond the banks of the Raritan and to the Puget Sound by fostering camaraderie and scarlet spirit among local alumni.
Contact: Karri Gerling RC’93
Email: rutgersseattle@icloud.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of Southern California’s purpose is to foster and nurture camaraderie among alumni. To foster outreach, enhance the environment in which financial support can flourish, and to provide opportunities for alumni to experience the cultural, social, and educational life of Rutgers University in Southern California.
President: Jacob Quick ENG ’10
Email: Quick.Jacob@gmail.comClub Sites
The Rutgers Club of the Rocky Mountains’ mission and purpose of the Rutgers Club of the Rocky Mountains is to serve all Denver-area alumni by providing networking and community-building opportunities and to raise local awareness of the university and its alumni network.
President: Joshua F. Gilens SEBS’14, RWJMS’19
Email: joshuagilens@gmail.comClub Sites
Accordion Content
Rutgers Club of Costa Rica encourages networking and relationship building among club members and provides opportunities for networking, socializing, and learning information about Rutgers.
President: Rafael Chaves RC’75, RBS’88
Email: -
Rutgers Club of Germany conducts volunteer and social events with alumni living overseas in Germany by encouraging networking and relationship building among club members while fostering and promoting the interest of Rutgers University to prospective students in Germany by becoming involved in our local communities.
President: Gemma McGowan UCNB’02
Email: GemmaMcGowan@alumni.rutgers.eduClub Sites
Rutgers Club of Indonesia promotes education, networking among its members, and support Rutgers by engaging alumni in Indonesia.
President: Is Nugroho
Email: -
Rutgers Club of Liberia provides information and social networking and to promote and foster the interests of Rutgers University in Liberia. It also encourages and promotes opportunities for Rutgers alumni through volunteering and community outreach among club members and supports any Rutgers University collaborations in Liberia.
President: Thelma Williams – Watkins UCNB’88
Email: -
Rutgers Club of London conducts events for Rutgers alumni living in the United Kingdom by encouraging networking and relationship-building among the members of the club and fostering and promoting the interests of Rutgers University in the UK.
Community Partners
Accordion Content
The AADC is an independent, self-supporting 501(c)(3) organization. The AADC develops and promotes connections among Douglass alumnae by providing programs, services, networks, and lifelong learning opportunities that represent the interests and needs of our diverse alumnae.
Club Sites
RAAA, Inc. strives to foster and enhance unity amongst alumni, students, faculty and staff of African ancestry via our programming and active participation in the lives of our students. It is our goal to harness the potential of our alumni network whilst we aim to be the voice of our constituents to effect positive change at Rutgers University and the community at large. It is our obligation as alumni to support, encourage and develop our students while providing them with opportunities that may or may not have been afforded to us as we continue to highlight and celebrate the contributions of our fellow alumni. To be the most reliable source of support for the student body through active participation, engagement and encouragement.
President: Kendall Hall RC’88
Email: info@rutgersblackalumni.orgClub Sites
Featured Club
Accordion Content
The Rutgers Club of New York City holds social, education and charitable events for the Rutgers alumni living and working in the NYC area.
President: Jamie O’Regan CC’05
Email: president@rutgersclubnyc.orgTreasurer: Eric Seidman RC’07
Email: treasurer@rutgersclubnyc.orgEvents Director: Shanice Branch RBS’14
Email: events@rutgersclubnyc.orgCommunications Director: Nasreen Hussain RC’09, SC&I’12
Email: communications@rutgersclubnyc.orgBig Apple Big Ten Liaison: Kevin Oakes SAS’14
Email: babt@rutgersclubnyc.orgClub Sites