Jaynee LaVecchia
New Jersey Supreme Court Justice

New Jersey’s first female Supreme Court justice, Jaynee LaVecchia has carved a path of integrity and legal excellence in public service
Jaynee LaVecchia has distinguished herself as one of the most capable attorneys in the state and as a public servant of impeccable integrity, compassion, and commitment. She is the fourth woman to be named to New Jersey’s highest court, following Virginia Long NLAW’66. After graduation, she worked her way up the governmental ladder, serving as a deputy attorney general; assistant counsel to the governor; director, chief administrative law judge of the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law; and director of the Division of Law. She joined Governor Christine Todd Whitman’s cabinet in 1998 as the commissioner of banking and insurance, overseeing more than 1,000 insurance companies with more than $212 billion in written premiums and nearly 6,500 banks and credit unions. In 2000, the governor appointed her as a justice of the state Supreme Court. She earned a New Jersey Women of Achievement Award, a Rutgers–Newark School of Law Distinguished Alumni Award, the Fannie Bear Besser Award for Public Service, and a Douglass Alumnae Recognition Award. She is a member of the Douglass Society and a fellow of the American Bar Association. In 2007, LaVecchia was granted tenure on the state Supreme Court.