Poverty | Equity | Influencing Factors: A REACH Symposium

Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Location(s): New Brunswick: Cook Student Center*, 59 Biel Road
Camden: Camden Campus Center, 326 Penn St.
Newark: Paul Robeson Campus Center, 350 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Time: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
*The symposium will be hosted on Cook Campus and live-streamed to in-person events on the Newark and Camden campuses.
This symposium, hosted by REACH in partnership with our Employment Table, aims to engage the Rutgers community, our community partners, leaders and members, and external stakeholders, including funders and policymakers, in a candid conversation around poverty and its influencing factors. This day will also be a showcase of the work of REACH through our collaborative learning tables and our grantees. Sessions will feature panel discussions and presentations by Rutgers faculty and researchers, community leaders, and others that center around the key social determinants upon which REACH’s work is focused – education, employment, food access and food security, housing and population health – and their interconnectedness with racial justice, poverty and health.
For more information about REACH or the symposium and other events, please go to: www.reach.rutgers.edu/events.