A business leader and civic advocate, Alfred Koeppe’s vision helped shape New Jersey’s economy and public infrastructure

After graduating from Rutgers, Alfred C. Koeppe worked at what was then the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company while attending law school at night. After receiving his degree, he worked as a lawyer with the State Office of the Public Defender, and then as a trial lawyer with AT&T, where he worked on the historic antitrust case dividing the telecommunications giant into a number of smaller companies. He later became president and CEO of New Jersey Bell. In October 2003, he retired as president and COO of PSEG. Governor James E. McGreevey appointed him chair of the state’s Economic Development Authority. In 2005, acting Governor Richard Codey appointed Koeppe chair of the School Construction Corporation Board. In addition, he was a member of the leadership committee for the Rutgers Campaign and chaired the $25 million capital campaign for the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital in New Brunswick. He became president and CEO of the Newark Alliance, a consortium of business leaders working to improve the local economy and schools, in 2003.